22 lis 2008

Sailing Trip - opowiadanie storm at the sea

 Three friends decided to spend holidays together. In August, Tony, Paul and Jason went sailing in the Pacific Ocean. They were very excited but unfortunately it was not their perfect holidays.
 One morning, the weather was favourable for a cruise so the men set off for a boat ride. When they were standing on the deck of the boat , suddenly black clouds gathered above them. 
 The gale was blowing and the boat started to rock from side to side. Huge waves were crashing against the boat. The men were scared. 
 All of a sudden, the lightning flashed. A bolt of lightning struck the boat and the mast burst into flames. When the boat was sinking slowly, Tony radioed for help. Fortunately, they had a life raft so they jumped into it. They had been waiting for two hours for help before the coastguard appeared. 
 At last they were safe and sound. After this accident, the men decided to watch the weather forecast before every cruise.  

20 lis 2008

Matura rozszerzona wypowiedź pisemna Język angielski Ilona Gąsiorkiewicz Kozłowska - Niepełnosprawni są wśród nas

Oto skrótowe opracowanie 1-go tematu:

We can not say that the business of the handicapped does not concer us. We live in one society and we should do with might and main to make their lives better and more comfortable.

Therefore, if we know that handicapped people are among us, what the society, the government and local authorities should do?

  • society: should treat them as equals
  • when necessary, help them with shopping, everyday duties
  • government: should give them special pension because they need a lot of medicines which are often expensive
  • provide free access to psychologists 
  • local authorities: should build more approaches and provide proper public transport
  • organise clubs for the handicapped where they could meet 

We know that handicapped people are among us, so try to be kind and make them feel comfortable in their society.

19 lis 2008

5 następnych rozmówek - uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji


– Hello, I’d like to know what kind of rooms you have?

- How much is a single room?

- What kind of facilities do you offer?


– I graduated from A.M University in Poznań, I received 2 years training in Johnson’s Company.

- I’m interested in your offer because your company is the best on the market and you have well qualified employees. 

- I’m ambitious, reliable, patient and really like meeting new people.


– Hello, I’d like to change my ticket reservation for flight to Poland. My flight number is A227BF0, on 27th September 2007.

- When do you have the nearest available flight to Poland?

- O.K. I’d like to make a reservation this date on Friday 5th October 2007.


– Excuse me, where can I see the Modern Art exhibition?

- Is it possible to take photos there?

- Where can I buy some souvenirs?


– Where do you come from?

- What do you do?

- How long are you going to stay in Poland?

18 lis 2008

Opracowanie rozmówek

Opracowanie rozmówek - matura podstawowa - uzyskiwanie/udzielanie informacji.
Polecenia z podręcznika wydawnictwa Omega "Język angielski Matura" autorstwa Ilony Gąsiorkiewicz Kozłowskiej.

-How can I get to Brighton?
- Could you book a single ticket for me in a hotel or a guest-house, please?
-What kind of tourist attractions are there in Brighton?/ What can I visit in Brighton?

-Where is the nearest swimming-pool?
-When is it open?
-How much is a ticket for students?

-Hello, I’m calling about your advertisement. I’d like to know where your flat is located?
-Is it fully furnished?
-How much is the rent for a week?

- You should catch bus number 5 and get off at the bus stop in Flower street.
-The best supermarket is in Lipowa Street, it’s really cheap.
- Of course you can pay everywhere by credit card.

- I think you can visit me in the middle of October.
- How long would you like to stay?
- It’s autumn, so you should get warm clothes like jumpers, trousers, a jacket etc.

Nowy świetny słownik

Tym razem chciałabym polecić nowy ale rewelacyjny słownik online. Jest to darmowe narzędzie, które ma ogromną bazę danych i z pewnością Was nie zawiedzie. Tłumaczy nie tylko z języka angielskiego, ale i niemieckiego, francuskiego, a nwet rosyjskiego.
Serdecznie polecam!
I zapraszam na stronę www.megaslownik.pl